Monday, March 2, 2015

The Challenge

I am infamous among those who know me (and, heck, probably some who don't) for having an inordinate number of earrings, particularly impossibly large and unwieldy ones. Since my mother and sister suffer from similar taste in ear decoration, I don't know why I'm always the one singled out for ridicule. Although I will admit that some of the things I have turned into earrings might conceivably be viewed by the non-Kim person as "odd".

Anyway, after shaking her head at today's choice of jingly jewellery, my boss asked me, “Do you now have enough earrings to wear a different pair every day of the year?” 

This was not a question I could easily answer as I never thought to quantify my collection in any way. I always thought of them as being like books or Eddie Izzard quotes: I have more than I have the capacity to properly store and yet not nearly enough. 

Years ago my dad made me a wooden frame with mesh to house my budding collection. To date I have three such frames, all full, and a chain underneath to contain the more ... adventurously sized pairs (ignore the giraffe tail - long story):

More earrings are dotted elsewhere around my house since I have now run out of room. But is this collection enough to furnish me with unique auricle adornment for a full year? I simply don't know the answer.

And thus did my boss issue me a challenge: wear a new pair of earrings every day from today until I exhaust my collection.

Well, challenge accepted!

And the blog? Well, it seemed like as good a way as any to keep track of which earrings I've worn. And perhaps someone out there in the blogosphere will be interested in my rambling writings about my bunch of baubles. (It'll interest me, at any rate, to see how long I can keep this up. Commitment and follow-through have never been my thing.)

And so ...onward to the Chronicles of Kim's Collection!

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